Friday, September 25, 2015

Thanksgiving, Travel League, Tiling Progress

Oops, at the foot nurse's on Wednesday, she wished another client Happy Thanksgiving. I thought "oh that's ages away" but it isn't. Canadian Thanksgiving is October 12.  We celebrate a month earlier than they do in the US. Gotta get me a dicky bird to cook etc. etc. Our foot nurse was saying she bought a turkey breast recently because she was hungry for turkey. It cost her over $20. I used to pay around $10 or $11 in North Carolina. I don't know what I will get, probably a breast too as there are only two of us. We have already been booked for Christmas this year too. A friend did so. We are all going to the Waterloo Motor Inn for dinner at 6. The Inn does a fantastic meal; Matt and I have been several times before. Not a lot of fun for just two people though.

I enjoyed my day with the Travel League, all except the bowling that is. We ate at the Red Lobster
and I had coconut shrimp with Piña Colada dip. The dip was a tad sweet, but the shrimp were good. Then we went to the bowling alley. Matt was bowling up a storm and was having the cheek to complain when his scores were not as high as he would have liked. He never seems to remember that the high scores he used to get, were when he was in his 40's and 50's. Meanwhile I was struggling to get over 100. I did manage that and the last game was not too, too shabby. Well compared to the other two anyway. Of course, I have an excuse, we normally take pain killers before we bowl. Matt took his but didn't remind me so I forgot. Not been bowling long before my back was killing me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. It was a fun afternoon though and the donut was delicious.

Every time we go in and out of the building, there are different areas taped off, bit like the crime scene tape the cops use. They are plastering all over to smooth everything before they lay any tiles. We haven't had any exercise classes all week because of this work going on. The 'party room' is still full of furniture I gather.

So I found a Baked Coconut Shrimp recipe, the one's I had were deep fried which added to their calorie count of course.

Baked Coconut Shrimp

girlbob at Allrecipes

"This crunchy coconut shrimp is baked instead of fried, and so easy! Great for dinner or as an
appetizer. I serve with orange marmalade for dipping."


1 Lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 cup cornstarch
1 tsp salt
3/4 tsp Cayenne pepper
2 cups flaked, sweetened coconut
3 egg whites, beaten until foamy.

Preheat an oven to 400°F. Lightly coat a baking sheet with cooking spray.

Rinse and dry shrimp with paper towel. Mix cornstarch, salt and cayenne in a shallow bowl, pour coconut flakes into a separate shallow bowl. Working with one shrimp at a time, dredge it in the cornstarch mixture, then dip it in the egg white and roll it in the coconut, making sure to coat the shrimp well. Place on the prepared baking sheet and repeat with the remaining shrimp.

Bake the shrimp until they are bright pink on the outside and the meat is no longer transparent in the centre and the coconut is browned. 15 to 20 minutes, flipping the shrimp half way through.

Have a great day


  1. Hopefully a body doesn't show up in your building somewhere.
    That's really expensive for turkey breast.

    1. Funny Alex, it's just like that though. Yellow tape everywhere.

      It is expensive isn't it? I miss the ability to buy them in NC as I used to. I carried a load of shrimp and a couple of turkey breasts home every trip.

  2. That's an Epi-pen special. LOL Looks good, though! I wanted to grab them off the screen and pop them in my mouth. :P

    1. They do look good don't they Melissa? Thinking of making them this weekend.

  3. Turkeys are crazy expensive here now. I prefer just the breast meat but now that the kids come over, we have to buy the whole thing. And I miss shrimp soooo much.

    1. They are not that bad in NC but then they grow turkeys there. I like all the meat, but the dark meat actually has more flavour and is moister. I would too JoJo. Love it.

  4. Yup this is coming up in 2 weeks! I'd like to pass on turkey and make rouladen but we shall see. Despite the bad back pain, I am glad you could enjoy your bowling. The shrimp sounds delicious!

  5. I love turkey though and only have it twice a year. I like roulade as well of course.

    It was.

  6. I adore prawns (shrimp) cooked in coconut. I went out for dinner on Thursday and had salmon then lunch on Friday and had mackerel. Salmon can be a bit rich sometimes. I'm feeling a bit fished out so I might order prawns when we go out today. You've inspired me Jo x

    1. In England we have prawns and shrimp. They are not the same critter. Do you have both in Oz? Here they basically don't differentiate and even call shrimp cooked in garlic by the name of scampi which again, is a very different critter in Europe. Of course you have bugs in Oz which I don't think I have ever heard of anywhere else.

  7. I never knew about Canadian Thanksgiving Day until recently. Do you do the same sort of thing as they do in the US?

    1. Pretty much Helen. Although there were things we used to do that we can't do here, like taking our boat down the sound to an area where they set off fireworks. A whole troop of us would go. Mind you I believe it caught on so there are now crowds of boats so probably wouldn't do it any more.
