Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Trump, Jeweller, Bowling,Supper,

Sitting here in my office I can hear the TV and I am getting sick to death of hearing about Trump. Of course, basically, up here in the snowy (+ 14°C today and no snow) north we don't really care about him except we were a bit nervous about him provoking Kim Jong Un into lobbing a nuclear bomb this way. We would, no doubt, have been affected by the fall out.

My cleaner recommended a jeweller to me with whom  her family had dealt for a while, I was contemplating getting rid of some of my stuff because I so seldom wear it and upon my demise I don't know what would happen to it. Certainly wouldn't get shipped to the UK I don't think and not exactly advisable anyway. However, I emailed the jeweller and got a rather snotty reply "we don't buy used jewellery". What a peculiar phrase, 'used jewellery', it sounds like used clothes or cars or something. I sure wouldn't patronise them for any unused jewellery now.

I had exercise class this afternoon and then we went and bowled a couple of games. I won one and Matt won the other. It now appears I have two people ahead of me in ladies high average. Think that's the end of it as I am bowling really badly at the moment. Oh well, great while it lasted.

Cooked Chicken and Broccoli Rice Bowl for supper tonight. It is one of our favourites and fairly simple to do. The recipe is for 3 which is a bit of a silly number, usually 2 or 4 unless it is for greater numbers. We eat the whole thing between us!

This is not the first time I have posted a Tandoori Chicken recipe but for some reason I have never made it. Certainly easy enough. Guess I should give this one a go. It certainly looks good.

Tandoori Chicken II

A paste made from a combination of spices and dried peppers is the secret to this spicy grilled chicken recipe. No long marinating time is required; the chicken can be prepared in the time it takes
to get the coals hot

1/2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
2 Tbs water
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

1. Preheat grill for high heat.

2. In a medium bowl, mix curry powder, red pepper flakes, salt, ginger, paprika, cinnamon, and turmeric with water to form a smooth paste. Rub paste into chicken breasts, and place them on a plate. Cover, and allow to marinate for 20 minutes.

3. Brush grate with oil. Place chicken on the grill, and cook 6 to 8 minutes on each side, until juices run clear when pierced with a fork.

Servings: 4

Source: AllRecipes

Have a great day

English, Books,

Denise of My Life in Retirement, set me off thinking more about the English language. There is a heck of a lot of difference between Northern and Southern England and many of the names they use for things are quite different. Denise mentioned a bridie, very northern and virtually the same thing in Cornwall becomes a Cornish Pasty or even, locally, an oggie. Matt's dad came from the north and had lots of words I had never heard of such as cuddy for a pony, klarts for mud, cracket for a 3 legged stool. He had been in the south long enough to
Cornish Pasty
lose a lot of his accent, but if he wanted to he could really turn it on and was quite incomprehensible to us poor southerners. I remember my first husband saying he worked for 3 years with a guy from Newcastle and still didn't know what he was saying. I presume they would find us just as difficult to understand. Then of course there is Welsh, Irish and Scottish all of which have their own accents as well as speaking the Gaelic. I have heard people say the Irish use the punt as currency, no they use the pound (or did) but the way they pronounced it, it sounded like punt. Although, compared to the Americas, The British Isles is a very tiny area, it has also been inhabited for a very long time and also overrun by various peoples up until 1066 which was the last time Britain was invaded. However, all these people brought their own languages which affected what was spoken. I always remember that in the first chapter or so of Ivanhoe, two characters were discussing how animals changed their name from when they were alive to when they were presented at table. Meaning they were called by their Saxon names whilst being herded but by the French names on the table. Swine to porc is one example. I don't have a copy of Ivanhoe (I used to once) any more so can't check.

Talking of Ivanhoe, I realised the other day I have some books such as The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll and the same of Milton which were given to me as a child in 1950 or so and were printed even earlier. Checking it out I actually have quite a few old books, but I had forgotten about them over the years. I am wondering if they have any value. They are not, of course, old enough to have any real value, but there might be some. I have since heard from the bookstore and one thing they specify is dust covers! I don't even remember if they had dust covers, they sure don't now.  So I guess that's the end of that.

So I had to give you a recipe for Cornish Pasty - mind you I buy them in a Scottish Bakery in the next town over. Had a couple for supper tonight, very good.

Hairy Bikers' Cornish Pasty

Cornish pasty is a treat that everyone loves! This classic Cornish pastry recipe is a traditional bake that's great for using up leftovers and takes no time at all. The Hairy Bikers' delicious Cornish pastry recipe, which is from their brilliant 'Food Tour of Britain' TV show is warming, filling and delicious. Learn how to make your own pastry and fill with the traditional Cornish filling with this easy-to-make recipe. Perfect for picnics, parties or just a nice lunch with the family. This recipe makes 6 Cornish pasties and will take around 1hr and 10 mins to prepare and cook. This hearty classic is sure to become a family favourite and keep everyone happy and full when it comes to eating them. If you
have any leftover pasties, leave to cool thoroughly and then store wrapped in clingfilm in the fridge.

450 g plain flour
2 tso baking powder
1 ts[ salt
125 g unsalted butter
2 egg yolks
125 ml cold water

Cornish pasty filling:
450 g potato, finely diced
150 g swede, finely diced
150 g onion, finely chopped
300 g beef skirt, finely chopped
Salt and black pepper
1 tbs Plain Flour
40 g butter
1 egg, beaten

1. To make the pastry: Place the flour, baking powder, salt, butter and egg yolks into a food processor and blitz until the mixture forms crumbs. Slowly add the water until a ball of pastry miraculously appears - you may not need all the water. Wrap the pastry in clingfilm and leave it to chill in the fridge for an hour.

2. To prepare the Cornish pasty filling: Preheat the oven to 180°C (gas mark 4). Roll out the pastry to the thickness you like, but be careful not to tear it. Using a dinner plate as a template, cut out 6 discs of pastry.

3. Season the vegetables separately with salt and black pepper. Put the beef into a bowl and mix with the flour and some salt and pepper. Place some potatoes, swede, onions and beef on one half of the circle, leaving a gap round the edge. Dot with butter. Brush around the perimeter of the pastry circle with the beaten egg, then fold the pastry over the vegetables and meat and seal firmly. Starting at one side, crimp the edges over to form a sealed D-shaped pasty. Brush the whole pasty with beaten egg, then make a steam hole in the centre with a sharp knife.

4. Repeat to make the other pasties. Put the pasties in the oven and cook for 50 mins until they are crispy and golden and the filling is cooked through. Leave them to rest for 5-10 mins before eating.

Servings: 6

Source: Hairy Bikers

Have a great day

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Language, Bowling,

Talk about mixed up, I noticed yesterday, in one reply I used both American and British/Canadian spelling. I noticed typos too but the less said about those the better! It is difficult for us in Canada because we read a lot of both types of spelling and, I certainly, get confused as to how some words are spelled. There is a store here, called Canadian Tire, when we first arrived here 40 some years ago, I mentioned the store to English friends, in writing, and they laughed because I was spelling Tire the American way and not the English way, tyre. Of course that is the name of the store anyway. Not only that, things are called differently by use, like leash for a dog which in North Carolina and the UK was usually a lead.

League bowling today and not only did I not bowl well, I ended up losing a point in my average. Matt bowled pretty well though and gained a point, the one I lost maybe, LOL. Not only that, the team we bowled against included the woman who is my "rival". We had a few laughs out of it. She added insult to injury by having a 200 game. The highest I got was a 161 which was pretty pathetic. I guess I can kiss my ladies' high average goodbye. One of our team is not a very good bowler but astounded us by getting several strikes and spares today.

Enchiladas and such are not normally my choice of eating, but this recipe appealed to me, mind you I think it might be a lot spicier than I am used to.

Adobo Chicken and Kale Enchiladas

Put out your favorite toppings for these quick and healthy layered enchiladas. We like cilantro, sour cream, guacamole and jalapeños.

1 Tbs extra-virgin olive oil
8 cups chopped kale
¼ cup water
2 cups shredded or diced cooked chicken
1 tsp ground cumin
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp ground pepper
1 10 oz can red enchilada sauce (1 ¼ cups)
¼ cup sour cream
2-3 tbs minced chipotles in adobo
12 corn tortillas
¾ cup diced white onion, divided
1 ½ cups shredded Mexican blend cheese, divided

1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat oil in a large cast-iron skillet (12-inch) over medium-high heat. Add kale and water; cook, stirring, until bright green and wilted, about 2 minutes. Stir in chicken, cumin, salt and pepper; cook for 1 minute more. Transfer to a large bowl. Combine enchilada sauce, sour cream and chipotles to taste in a small bowl. Spread ½ cup of the mixture in the pan. Place 4 tortillas over the sauce, overlapping them to cover the bottom. Top with half the chicken mixture, ¼ cup onion and ½ cup cheese. Layer on half the remaining sauce, 4 tortillas, the remaining chicken, ¼ cup onion and ½ cup cheese. Top with the remaining tortillas, sauce and cheese. Bake the enchiladas until bubbling, 12 to 15 minutes. Sprinkle with the remaining ¼ cup onion before serving

Servings: 5

Source: EatingWell Magazine

Have a great day

Monday, February 26, 2018

Year of the Dog, Book, Saturday Sickness, Olympics.

I've  been needing stamps for international postage for a while and not got round to buying them. However, I did so when in the post office a couple of days ago. I couldn't resist them. Almost don't want to use them. There is another of a different type of dog which I discovered when looking for this one. In case you are unaware, February 16 was the beginning of the Chinese New Year which is the reason Mandarin is offering dumplings both galore and various. I had another fill of them on Friday for lunch. Friend's birthday. I also made sure to have some kelp salad. I really, really like that. As a general rule I try to never eat anything which is not Oriental in preparation. They usually have roast beef or other such items there, but I don't touch them. Only time I might have done so was if we had made it for Christmas. I would certainly have had some turkey. Actually I was thinking, on Friday, should I book for Christmas next year? Maybe I will leave it til later in the year.

A lot of noise is being made about the movie A Wrinkle in Time, Oprah is in it, so I thought I would order it from the library. Seems like it might be a while before I get it. But, as I have three library books, a proof and a Kindle loan, I don't need anything else just now. I investigated buying it but for some reason the Kindle version is more expensive than the paperback!!

Saturday night, having been sick the last two, I was almost too nervous to eat or drink anything. The likelihood of lightening striking a third time on a Saturday is pretty low, but just  the same....  By the time you read this I will know one way or the other. Well, I a pleased to report nothing happened and I was fine all night long. Phew. No, I haven't been to the doctor - I just haven't had time.

Oh well, the Olympic games has come to an end, I will have to wait  two more years for the summer games. I watched the Closing Ceremonies and was certainly impressed with all the technology. Especially the tiger figure in the sky made by drones. They really must have worked hard to achieve that. I enjoyed the ceremonies but I am not too sure Matt did. I think the next Winter Games in Beijing will be something to see as well. I really, really, wanted the Olympic mascot, Soohorong, but looked for it on Amazon and it isn't cheap. I cannot justify buying one sadly. I notice Kurt Browning was referring to them as 'stuffies'. He said he was taking one home for his kid. Lucky kid. Of course the mascot for Beijing with be a Giant Panda.

Having talked about Zoodles or spiralized zucchini noodles, I came across this recipe and thought it sounded good.

Spiralized Zucchini Noodles With Spicy Peanut Sauce

Precut produce helps this staff favorite come together in a flash. Spiralized zucchini and summer squash are in the prepared produce section of many supermarkets; you can also spiralize your own or make ribbons with a vegetable peeler. Squash takes the place of noodles in these bowls, so you'll need a hefty amount for each serving. The zucchini noodles don't require cooking—they'll add freshness
and crunch to the finished dish. Make the sauce while the tofu cooks and have the other vegetables at the ready so you can toss and serve immediately.

1/4 cup cornstarch
1 (12-oz.) pkg. extra-firm water-packed tofu, drained, patted dry, and cut into 1-in. cubes
1 1/2 Tbs canola oil
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
3 Tbs creamy peanut butter
3 Tbs lower-sodium soy sauce
1 Tbs unsalted ketchup
1 Tbs Sriracha chili sauce
1 Tbs water
2 tsp light brown sugar
1 tsp grated peeled fresh ginger
2 (16-oz.) pkg. spiralized zucchini or yellow squash and zucchini (about 4 cups total)
3 cups fresh mung bean sprouts (about 5 oz.)
1 cup matchstick-cut carrots
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro, divided
1/4 cup unsalted peanuts, finely chopped and divided
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
4 scallions, cut into 1-in. pieces
4 lime wedges

1. Place cornstarch in a shallow dish. Add tofu; toss to coat, shaking off excess. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium. Add tofu to pan; cook 8 to 10 minutes or until tofu is brown and crisp, stirring occasionally.

2. Combine lime juice and next 7 ingredients (through ginger) in a bowl, stirring with a whisk. Combine spiralized squash, sprouts, carrots, 1/4 cup cilantro, 2 tablespoons peanuts, and mint in a large bowl. Add tofu and peanut butter mixture to bowl; toss. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup cilantro, remaining 2 tablespoons peanuts, and scallions. Serve with lime wedges.

Servings: 4

Source: Cooking Light

Have a great day

Friday, February 23, 2018

Morning Rush, New Tablet, Bowling, Mandarin,

At about 9:15 Thursday morning I suddenly remembered the physiotherapist was due at 10. Talk about scuttling around. We just made it in time although I hadn't even had a coffee yet. She changed his exercises somewhat by making him do everything for a count of 5 with 10 reps. He said he was exhausted. They also worked on stairs and walked the corridors. She has one more visit. Something I hadn't heard before, if you have a hip replacement or something, you no longer get a therapist coming in, you have to go to a clinic. Don't like that. Not that I can have a replacement at the moment as I would need someone to care for the ol' man.

Of course my Kindle Fire had a reminder of the appointment but I hadn't turned it on - I don't think I will turn it off at night anyway. The wifi is turned off at 11 so that decreases battery use. I got my new cover for it but it doesn't cover the screen. Seems a bit silly. I will have to use my old cover when I put it in my purse, however, with the new cover it stops it slipping which is how I dropped the old one a couple of times.  I also got a new Notebook app too. Had to remember somebody owed me $6.58. In the end she paid me $6 - she didn't realise I guess so I didn't bother with it.

Went bowling in the afternoon of course. Next week we are back to regular bowling with the League on Monday. I had 3 great games today which would have been marvellous for my average on Mondays. But, of course, they don't count. I bowled a 166 average today so here's hoping I can do the same on Monday, or better. Keep everything crossed for me please.

I also got some new tea towels today I am sick of ours which are beginning to fall to pieces. Scheduled a lot of them for silver polishing and then a number for chucking out.

Almost forgot, popped into our supermarket for some tomatoes and there was a woman giving tasters of zucchini noodles (sometimes called zoodles) often wondered what they would be like so I stopped and had some, they were sautéed in olive oil with some chili seeds and she added a little Parmesan when she gave them to me. They were pretty tasty. They sell them, already cut, in the store. Might try them, but it is a fairly large container.

Mandarin for lunch today so won't need to do a lot for supper tonight. Hooray.

Many people don't like Brussels Sprouts, but I thought these would be a good way to encourage people, especially kids, to eat them. I honestly don't know why you would remove the cores but each to their own.

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Lemon and Pistachios

3 Tbs grapeseed oil
1 Tbs minced shallot
12 large brussels sprouts (about 1 1/2 pounds), trimmed, leaves separated from cores (about 8 cups), cores discarded
3/4 cup shelled unsalted natural pistachios
2 Tbs fresh lemon juice

Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add shallot and stir 20 seconds. Add Brussels sprout leaves and pistachios, and sauté until leaves begin to soften but are still bright green, about 3 minutes. Drizzle lemon juice over. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer to bowl and serve.

Source: Bon Appétit

Have a great day

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bowling, Parking, Therapy, Lunch.

Basically a very quiet day. If somewhat frustrating to me. My dearly beloved and crippled husband, had the nerve to beat me 2 out of 3 games today. Bowling of course. He has been installed back on the team now he appears able  to cope with three games in a row. However, although I had one good game, with the two lousy ones, I bowled an average of 10 below which will not help me regain the lead. I may have to wash that desire from my mind. Oh well, it was fun whilst it lasted.

Got a few laughs about my parking garage story. Like so many things, not funny at the time, but very funny after. At least now I know how it all works and can park there again.  Biggest problem for me is the walk from there to the hospital doors. Denise of My Life in Retirement, mentioned valet parking at her hospital. What a good idea for people who have mobility problems. Dunno why they don't do that here. Although I always complain about the cost of parking, which can be quite horrendous in places like Toronto, I shouldn't really do so, we pay nothing for  the treatment we receive (well in taxes I guess) so we never have to count pennies about being treated for major operations etc.

Tomorrow we will be bowling again after seeing Matt's physiotherapist in the morning. I wonder if she will change his exercises again or just add new ones. Funnily enough he has been very good at doing them this time, with my assistance.

Friday, guess where we are going to have lunch, yup, Mandarin. Friend's birthday this weekend so we are joining her. She is 6 months older than I am so I always tease her about being so much older. She has already done her seniors driving test - not that you have to drive, merely prove you are mentally OK. I still think you should have to prove your ability to handle a vehicle.

I love wontons, any dumplings as you may have gathered. Here is a recipe I found today.

Spinach-and-Pork Wontons

Try this book: Asian Dumplings In her pan-Asian cookbook, food writer Andrea Nguyen recommends homemade wonton wrappers but says store-bought are fine: "Just look for ones labeled
'thin' or 'Hong Kong–style.' "   Fast Asian Recipes

2 cups baby spinach, rinsed
1 Tbs plus
1 1/2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp Asian sesame oil
1 tsp dry sherry
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar
pinch of freshly ground white pepper
1/4 lb ground pork
1 small scallion, minced
3/4 tsp minced fresh ginger
Cornstarch, for sprinkling
30 thin wonton wrappers
2 Tbs chile oil
2 Tbs peanut oil
1 small garlic clove, minced
2 Tbs chopped cilantro

1. In a skillet, cook the spinach, stirring, until wilted; transfer to a colander and squeeze dry. Finely chop the spinach.

2. In a bowl, combine 1 1/2 teaspoons of the soy sauce, the sesame oil, sherry, salt, sugar and white pepper. Mix in the pork, scallion, ginger and spinach. Chill for 10 minutes.

3. Dust a large baking sheet with cornstarch. Arrange 4 wonton wrappers on a work surface, keeping the other wrappers covered with plastic wrap. Brush the edges of the wrappers with water and spoon 1 teaspoon of filling in the center of each. Fold the wrappers diagonally over the filling to form triangles; seal. Bring the two opposite corners of the triangle together; press to seal. Transfer to the baking sheet and cover. Repeat.

4. In a large saucepan of boiling water, simmer the wontons over moderate heat, stirring occasionally. When they float, cook for 3 minutes longer. Drain the wontons well.

5. In a large bowl, combine the remaining soy sauce with the chile oil, peanut oil and garlic. Add the wontons and toss. Sprinkle with the cilantro and serve.

Servings: 6

Author: Andrea Nguyen
Source: Food and Wine

Have a great day

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Fracture Clinic, My Parking Saga

At long last the surgeon in the Fracture Clinic has seen the right Xray of Matt's ankle and not the one of the toe. I don't blame him as he obviously was not properly informed. He was today, by me.
Finally we got another Xray done and Matt's break is healing cleanly - thank goodness. He was pleased there was no stiffness in the ankle. Such a relief to get a proper inspection. I was having a bit of a panic prior to this. We got to the hospital and there was nowhere outside to park so I had to head for the parking garage which is not exactly close to the hospital. I walk with a cane and not very well. First I pulled into the entryway and the machine gave me the impression that I had to have a paid ticket to get in. Of course I was stuck and couldn't back out because I had several cars behind me. They must have been pleased. I yelled a few sorrys (just discovered there is no plural for sorry) and went over to the office to pay. I interrupted people because I was causing a holdup and the clerk said all I had to do was push a button on the machine and it would give me a ticket. Duuh, it didn't say that. Having got a ticket there was another bit which told you to scan it. I misread this I guess as the guy behind me said just go and take the ticket with me. He must have thought I was a dumb blonde except, of course, I am not blonde! Maybe "stupid ol' woman". Then, of course, I couldn't find anywhere to park. Lots of
spaces marked for the Renal Clinic (why them only, I wonder). Finally on the 5th floor I found a spot. It is a very confusing garage. There are arrows pointing to pay points which are actually pointing to 5 floors down. How the hell is one supposed to know that? I could see signs for stairs but not for an elevator and was terrified I might have to walk up 5 flights of stairs. Not possible. However, I finally found the elevator hidden in a corner. When I got to the bottom I had quite a long walk back to the front entrance of the hospital. Well a long walk for me. By the time I got to where Matt was waiting I was exhausted. Of course then I had to walk back again. Leaving the parking garage I finally figured the slot wanted my card and my Visa together so it got them and I was delighted to find I only paid $9. So, even after all that, maybe I will use the parking garage again.

It really isn't my day, I have just posted the recipe below but my Picture link isn't working. Not just here but in any blog I tried. It doesn't open. OK, I rebooted and now I have my pictures. Think I will give up whilst the going's good.

I love Pierogis and have a friend in North Carolina who has made them her specialty. I have never tried to make them and thought I might have a go. However, as someone pointed out on the web page, "you do all that work and want to use instant mashed potatoes?" Does seem a bit odd. However, I guess it would be easier than peeling, cooking and mashing that many potatoes.


4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup water
1 large egg

3 cups instant mashed potatoes, prepared according to direction on package
4 - 6 oz cheddar cheese
1 small onion, chopped fine and sautéed in butter
salt and pepper

1. Place flour in a large bowl and make a well in center.

2. Add water and egg and stir to make a soft non-sticky dough, if dough is too sticky, add more flour, 1/4 cup at a time.

3. In a separate bowl, prepare filling by combining all ingredients.

4. Add about 2 tsp. of filling to dough and knead in.

5. Roll out dough about 1/8" thick.

6. Cut out large rounds, 3 to 4" (I use the widest glass I have).

7. Place about a tablespoon of filling on one side of each circle.

8. Moisten edges with water and fold over to close.

9. Pinch edges or use fork to seal.

10. After filling all pierogies, place in boiling water until they float.

11. Freeze for later use or fry in butter over medium heat and light brown both sides.

Yield: 50 small pierogies

Source: Genius Kitchen

Have a great day

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tip from my Mom, Doctor, Olympics

I don't know how many of my readers actually cook, but I thought I would pass on this tip I learned from my mother, many years ago, and only recently recalled. When she had to chop fresh herbs, which is a pain to do normally, she put them in a small basin and then using the tip of the scissors, snipped away at the herbs that way. So very easy. I really don't know why I haven't used that tip in years. Obviously senility kicking in!!

Everyone has been nagging advising  me to go to the doctor - however not too easy right now, yesterday was a holiday, today I have to take Matt to the Fracture Clinic. Reading up on IBS I think this may be a symptom of it. I have had IBS for years, although I didn't know it. They told me some 40 odd years ago that I had a spastic colon. I only recently discovered they were one and the same thing. Yes, I will go to the doctor as soon as I can.

Just watched Canada win the Women's Half Pipe Freestyle Gold. Canada is still in third place with the medals. Norway in first is well ahead. Germany is in second. We won a shared 2 man bob sled gold with Germany. Incredible they both did exactly the same time. So often these things are won by 100ths of a second. Ice dancing is on now but have to go to bed as Matt's appointment is at 9:35 am.

Oh dear, once in a while I really enjoy a "noodle bowl" for my lunch. Now I read how unhealthy they are, especially if you eat two bowls a week, which I don't. However, here is a recipe for making your own. Sounds pretty good.

Miso Ginger Noodle Bowl

Think of this comforting soup as a cross between ramen and miso soup. The broth gets instant depth from the bacon drippings in the pan, as well as the miso paste and shiitake mushrooms. You’ll find white miso paste at most supermarkets, either in the refrigerated soy product section or on the international foods aisle. Use it to enrich broths, marinades, or salad dressings, keeping in mind that a
little goes a long way. Give the eggs a quick rinse in their shells since they’ll simmer directly in the broth.

3 center-cut bacon slices, chopped
8 cups stemmed, sliced collard greens or kale
3 garlic cloves, sliced
1 Tbs canola oil
1 (6-oz.) pkg. shiitake mushroom caps, sliced
2 Tbs white miso paste
2 tsp grated peeled fresh ginger
4 cups unsalted chicken stock
4 large eggs in shells, rinsed
4 oz dried flat brown rice noodles (such as Annie Chun's Pad Thai noodles)
1 cup matchstick-cut carrots

1. Heat bacon in a large saucepan over medium-high; cook 5 minutes or until crisp. Add greens and garlic; sauté 6 minutes. Place greens in a bowl; keep warm.

2. Heat oil in pan over medium-high. Add mushrooms; cook 3 minutes or until slightly softened. Stir in miso and ginger; cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add stock; bring to a boil.

3. Reduce heat to medium. Add eggs in shells; cover and cook 7 minutes. Remove eggs from pan with a slotted spoon; plunge into ice water. Let stand 3 minutes; drain. Peel and halve eggs.

4. Bring soup to a boil. Add noodles; cook 2 minutes or until tender. Divide stock mixture evenly among 4 bowls; top evenly with greens, eggs, and carrots.

Servings: 4

Source: Cooking Light

Have a great day

Monday, February 19, 2018

Saturday Bulimia, Snow, Family Day, Men's Figure Skating,

I have decided I a have Saturday night Bulimia!! Yes I was sick again - just sick this time, but it has left me with devastating muscle aches in my gut. I am feeling very sorry for myself today. I have no idea what is causing this but I am not a happy camper. I am not eating or drinking anything that I haven't eaten or drunk for years. I don't know why anything would suddenly decide to upset me. Maybe I will switch to bread and water on Saturdays! O course I am not doing this on purpose and bearing in mind how I feel right now, I don't know how anyone could.

It was supposed to snow last night and bearing in mind our exercise instructor has gone snow boarding, I hope it does so for his sake. However, we haven't seen a flake so far.

Tomorrow, being Family Day in Ontario, there is no bowling nor exercise class. Just as well, right now I don't think I could do either.

I finally caught some skating, men's singles. I didn't see the short programmes but did see most of the free skates. Nathan Chen from the States skated a wonderful programme, but unfortunately he had
screwed up so badly in the short programme that he didn't make it to the podium. The Japanese who won, Yuzuru Hanyu was trained by Brian Orser in Canada as was the Spaniard who got the bronze. Seems a bit screwed for a Canadian to train the skaters who beat our own contestants!! Brian Orser seems to be one of the few older skaters who hasn't gone bald. Not sure why but lots of them are now. Our Patrick Chen did a good programme  but didn't make it to  the podium. One guy I was particularly impressed with was the young man who skated for Israel, Alexei Bychenko. He was originally from the Ukraine but Israel invited him to skate for them and he accepted. He skated an excellent programme.

For supper Sunday night we had packet Chicken Noodle Soup!! We have some Sweet and Sour Pork left from Saturday night, but.....I decided to be sensible and go with fairly bland. Talking of the Sweet and Sour Pork, this is  the second  time I have made it. One starts off by flouring the pork in cornstarch and cooking until crispy, seems pointless because you then add a sauce which makes the pork go un-crispy so I don't think I will bother again. It does say optional so I will take the easier option.

This is a pretty simple little recipe and would be good for someone with my present internal troubles. In the picture that broccoli looks somewhat overcooked to me.

Oven Poached Salmon with Cherry Tomatoes and Broccoli

5 Ingredient Oven Poached Salmon with Cherry Tomatoes and Broccoli makes for the perfect quick and easy weeknight dinner. Ready in 30 minutes with minimal clean up. Gluten Free, Dairy Free and
can be made Paleo.

3 cups cut up broccoli florets
2 cups cherry tomatoes
1 lb salmon fillet cut into 4 4 ounce pieces
1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbs gluten free tamari omit for Paleo version (or replace with Coconut aminos or Paleo Fish Sauce)
salt/pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400°F.

2. Cut 4 long pieces of aluminum foil and lay flat on the counter.

3. Add equal amount of broccoli and cherry tomatoes to each piece of aluminum foil.

4. Add salt/pepper to taste and drizzle with olive oil and tamari (optional).

5. Place salmon piece on top of each broccoli cherry parcel.

6. Add salt/pepper to taste. Seal the aluminum foil parcels.

7. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until salmon is cooked through.

Servings: 4

Source: Avocado Pesto

Have a great day

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Saturday Recipe

I thought this looked good. I like mole but haven't made it very often. It does seem to me you might have to buy a few things which - if you didn't like this recipe - you would have to find another use for. I like the idea of using the extra sauce for pork chops and or chili.

Slow Cooker Chicken Mole Tacos

This beautifully complex dish is traditionally a labor of love, with a long list of ingredients that need to be toasted, ground, and slow simmered with frequent stirring. We’ve streamlined the dish and made it almost entirely hands off by using a blender to bring the components together and a slow cooker to do the simmering. The recipe yields about 2 cups additional mole sauce; use this for
enchiladas, as a topper for pork chops, or as a phenomenal stir-in for chili.

2 dried ancho chiles
1 (28-oz.) can unsalted whole tomatoes
1 cup chopped yellow onion
1/2 cup toasted sliced almonds
3 oz semisweet baking chocolate, finely chopped (about 1/2 cup)
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup unsalted chicken stock
1 Tbs ground cumin
1 Tbs canned adobo sauce
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 chipotle chiles, canned in adobo sauce
3 garlic cloves, smashed
2 lbs bone-in chicken thighs, skinned
1 tsp kosher salt 16 (6-in.) corn tortillas
1 oz Cotija cheese, crumbled (about 1/4 cup)
1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves
2 limes, cut into wedges

1. Place ancho chiles in a bowl; cover with water. Let stand 10 minutes. Drain; remove and discard stems and seeds. Process seeded chiles, tomatoes, onion, almonds, chocolate, raisins, stock, cumin, sauce, cinnamon, chipotle chiles, and garlic in a food processor until smooth.

2. Sprinkle chicken with salt; place in a 6-quart slow cooker. Add tomato mixture. Cover and cook on low 8 hours. Place chicken on a cutting board; remove bones. Reserve 2 cups sauce for another use. Shred chicken into large pieces; return to slow cooker.

3. Working with 1 tortilla at a time, heat tortillas over medium-high directly on burner until lightly charred, about 15 seconds per side. Top tortillas with chicken mixture, cheese, and cilantro. Serve with lime wedges.

Servings: 8

Source: Cooking Light

Have a great weekend

Friday, February 16, 2018

School Shooting, Mandarin, Tablet,

I'm sorry but for a 19 yr old to be able to obtain an Assault Rifle means there is something wrong in the nation. I notice that President Trump is completely ignoring people who call for gun law revision. I feel so very sorry for all the parents who have lost their kids and for the relatives of the teachers who died saving them. But this keeps happening. For goodness sake, do something to stop it.

Birgit of BB Creations suggested I should eat bland food because I have had stomach problems. Great idea. Maybe I should follow it, but two days running we had the Sicilian Olive Chicken and then today we went to Mandarin for Matt's belated birthday lunch and I stuffed myself stupid on dumplings and other things - very sensible of me. Tonight I just had a bowl of home made tomato soup but then that's all I could face after lunch. By the way, Mandarin was absolutely packed. None of us have ever seen it like that. I don't think there was an empty set there. I don't know why it should have been so busy but it was so bad we had trouble getting the bill. One of our party said we could walk out and they wouldn't notice. I don't think he was wrong. Normally they have someone offering a mint on your way out, not today, the mints were there. We could have taken one but I don't much like them. Our minimum wage has been increased and so we wondered if they had let some of the staff go. Apparently quite a few places have.

I think I mentioned buying a new tablet the other day, it was an RCA Voyager. However, it didn't seem to be working properly so I took it back. I have now ordered a Kindle Fire 7 from which is not their newest but should do for me. I don't use it a whole lot. I do have one of the original Kindles but it is not really any good for anything much more than reading or storing documents which I don't really need.

We went bowling again after lunch and guess what, he beat me in the second game again. I nearly left him there LOL.

I'm not sure how authentic this recipe is, but it does look and sound good. I must say I have never made Chicken Biryani from any recipe but I really must try this one. I am trying to use a lot more spices such as these as they are supposed to be good for mental health which, bearing in mind the lack of Alzheimer patients in Asia, is fairly well documented.

Chicken Biryani

A standard in Indian cuisine, biryani gets plenty of flavor and fragrance from the spice mix, which typically includes turmeric, cardamom, ginger, and cumin. We use basmati rice here, which is a delicate white rice with an almost floral aroma. We particularly like Royal brand basmati, which has
extraordinarily long grains.

1 cup plain 2% reduced-fat Greek yogurt
1 Tbs ground turmeric
2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground red pepper
1 1/2 lbs skinless, boneless chicken thighs, cut into 1 1/2-in. cubes
2 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbs minced peeled fresh ginger
5 garlic cloves, minced
4 cardamom pods, crushed
1 1/2 cups uncooked basmati rice
2 cups unsalted chicken stock
1 cup coarsely chopped carrot
1/2 cup raisins
1 tsp kosher salt
1 cinnamon stick
2 Tbs heavy cream
1/4 cup unsalted dry-roasted cashews, chopped
2 Tbs chopped fresh cilantro
2 Tbs crispy fried onions
1 thinly sliced serrano chile
Lime wedges

1. Stir together yogurt, turmeric, cumin, and red pepper in a large bowl. Add chicken pieces; toss to coat. Cover and chill 2 to 4 hours.

2. Combine oil, ginger, garlic, and cardamom in a large, high-sided skillet, and cook over medium-high, stirring often, until ginger begins to sizzle and toast, about 1 minute. Add rice; cook, stirring constantly, until rice is toasted, about 1 minute. Add stock, carrot, raisins, salt, and cinnamon.

3. Remove chicken from marinade; discard remaining marinade. Place chicken in an even layer on rice mixture. Cover and increase heat to high; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer until chicken is done and rice is tender, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Remove and discard cinnamon stick. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir in cream.

4. Serve in shallow bowls. Sprinkle servings evenly with cashews, cilantro, crispy fried onions, and serrano slices. Serve with lime wedges.

Servings: 6

Source: Cooking Light

Have a great day

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Bowling, More Shopping, Mandarin, Books,

So now I'm annoyed. My husband, who was told not to bowl, bowled again today and didn't just win the second game, he thrashed me. Really not fair at all. I had a really active day, wasn't feeling that great at lunchtime but decided to go to exercise class anyway. Glad I did, felt better after. Then we went bowling and after did some shopping, I had forgotten tomatoes yesterday plus we had to visit the liquor store. Mind you I was pretty beat by the time we got home although at least I had Matt to help me carry stuff.

Right now I am well enough, just feel as if I haven't slept in a week.

Tomorrow we are taking up the rain cheque (check if you like) and going to Mandarin to have Matt's birthday lunch. Dumplings are still on the menu until March 4. Then I need to drop into Costco for a couple of things. As we will probably go bowling again I checked they would have room in the fridge for the meat I am going to buy. It is supposed to be relatively warm tomorrow (today now) so don't want to leave it in the car.

Been enjoying David Baldacci books lately. Found some in the party room where we exercise and got one from the library as well. They are pretty complicated stories, but enjoyable reads. I started with Stone Cold and then read the prior book The Camel Club. Now onto Memory Man. A very different story really. Recommend them.

This recipe looks really good in the picture. Easy enough to do certainly.

San Francisco Pork Chops

Tender chops in a delicious sauce are great over noodles or thin spaghetti

1 Tbs vegetable oil
4 (3/4 inch-thick) boneless pork chops, trimmed
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup beef broth
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 Tbs brown sugar
2 tsp vegetable oil
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
2 tsp cornstarch
2 Tbs water

1. Heat 1 tablespoon vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat. Brown chops in hot oil, about 5 minutes per side; remove pork to a plate, reserving oil in skillet.

2. Cook and stir garlic in reserved drippings until fragrant, about 1 minute. Whisk beef broth, soy sauce, brown sugar, 2 teaspoons vegetable oil, and red pepper flakes in a bowl, dissolving brown sugar. Return pork chops to skillet and pour soy sauce mixture over the chops. Bring sauce to a boil, cover skillet, and reduce heat to low. Simmer chops until tender, 30 to 35 minutes, turning once halfway through cooking.

3. Transfer chops to a serving platter. Whisk cornstarch and water in a small bowl until smooth; stir into pan juices and simmer until thickened, about 5 minutes. Pour sauce over chops to serve.

Servings: 4

Aluminum foil helps keep food moist, ensures it cooks evenly, keeps leftovers fresh, and makes clean-up easy.

Author: bintmejnuna

Author Notes
I like it with a bit more red pepper than stated in the recipe. It gives it more zing. Also, I often leave the extra oil out of the sauce as the residual in the pan is usually enough. This works great with thinner chops as well, just reduce the simmering time or you'll get tough chops.

Have a great day

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's, Cartoon, Bowling

Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day.

How to Geek often have good cartoons. I couldn't resist sharing this one today.

Having played two games at the bowling alley, Matt is now suffering with an aching leg. He was told not to bowl yet but went ahead anyway. My female readers will know what I am  thinking right now!

Much to my disgust on Tuesday evening (right now in fact) my stomach problems came back, not badly, but my stomach doesn't feel to good at all. I took Gravol which, luckily, I had bought today. So fingers crossed.

Tonight I made Sicilian Olive Chicken which I decided to post as it was delicious. I thought I would check I hadn't posted already as it was new to me. Much to my surprise I had posted the exact same recipe in 2011 although I had never made it. Well I have now and we both enjoyed it. I used fresh spinach and wilted it, let it cool and then proceeded as instructed. I don't know what kind of olives I used, our grocery sells pitted green olives which are big and juicy and I used those. I used chicken breasts, not cutlets.

Sicilian Olive Chicken

Recipe by: Breana Lai, M.P.H., R.D. "This saucy one-skillet chicken dish is full of tomatoes, spina
ch, olives and capers. Try Kalamata olives in place of the green Sicilians or a combination of both."

1 (14 ounce) can petite diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil or other Italian-style seasonings
1 1/2 cups frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1/3 cup halved Sicilian or other green olives
1 Tbs capers, rinsed
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper, or to taste
4 (4 ounce) chicken cutlets (see Tip)
1 Tbs freshly ground pepper
1 Tbs extra-virgin olive oil Add all ingredients to list

1. Combine tomatoes, spinach, olives, capers and crushed red pepper in a bowl. Sprinkle both sides of chicken with pepper.

2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook the chicken until browned on one side, 2 to 4 minutes. Turn it over; top with the tomato mixture. Reduce heat to medium, cover and cook until cooked through, 3 to 5 minutes.

Servings: 4

If you can't find chicken cutlets for this recipe, you can make your own. Purchase four 5-ounce chicken breasts. Remove the tenders and trim the fat. Place the chicken between pieces of plastic wrap. Pound with a rolling pin, meat mallet or heavy skillet until flattened to about 1/2 inch thick.

Author: Breana Lai
Source: Eating Well

Have a great day

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bowling, Shopping, Weather, Olympics

Well today Matt bowled two games. He was pretty done in by the end, but I didn't think he would make that many games anyway. I didn't bowl well and have finally lost my high women's average. One of my competitors gained 2 points over me today. I will have to wait two weeks to try and compete because next week is a statutory holiday, Family Day, so the league doesn't bowl. We will be bowling of course, not sure which days, but I/we will be there.

At least I think Matt will be able to help me shopping tomorrow. It's not the shopping itself but the dragging the stuff, in our cart, right across the garage and into the building and then the apartment. Matt pooh poohs it but I find it very hard. He might too with his damaged ankle. We shall see. Mind you our cart is a bit wonky these days, I would like to get a new one but Matt doesn't think it's necessary yet!!!

Although we had quite a bit of snow at the weekend, the roads were pretty well clear and the sun was shining today so it was a lovely day. Only -7°C which isn't that bad, especially when it's sunny. When we used to cross country ski, we thought nothing of that temperature.

Right now on TV there is women's snowboarding half pipe or something. Not my thing. I am now waiting for the individual figure skating. Not sure when that starts. Will have to check  that out. Canada has 2 golds, 4 silvers and a bronze at the moment. Germany has the most golds but Norway has the most medals. I was surprised at how few people I know watch the Olympics. I am not interested in sports generally, but enjoy watching the best in the world.

To update you, I thought my illness was basically Saturday night, but I was still feeling pretty rotten today, shivery in particular. That's why I bowled badly, aha!!! One comment mentioned noro virus so I googled it. Some similarities but I don't think that was it.

These truffles are right up my street. I used to be a bowl licker par excellence.

Decadent Cookie Dough Truffles

These deliciously rich truffles are perfect for cookie dough fanatics and lick-the-bowl-lovers!

4 oz cream cheese, softened
½ cup butter, softened
¾ cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 ½ cups milk chocolate chips
1 Tbs vegetable shortening

1. In a mixer, blend cream cheese and butter until creamy. Add brown sugar and vanilla, mixing until combined. Add flour and salt, mixing on low speed until flour disappears. Fold in semi-sweet chocolate chips.

2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll cookie mixture into 1-inch round balls. Place on baking sheet and place in freezer for 25 minutes to set. Remove from freezer and roll truffles in your palms until smooth and round, and return to freezer for 5 more minutes.

3. Place milk chocolate chips and shortening in a microwave safe bowl. Heat at 50% power for 30 second increments, stirring between each time until fully melted.

4. Using a fork or skewer, dip truffles in melted chocolate. Place back on parchment baking sheet and refrigerate until ready to eat.

Yield: approximately 16 truffles

Source: Zoomer Magazine

Have a great day

Monday, February 12, 2018

Cartoon, Olympics.

I loved this cartoon, absolutely had to share it because it is so true, Facebook and the like are absolutely littered with pet pix. This came from How to Geek.

I am not too chipper today. I was violently ill on Saturday night, stomach upset - one of those where you don't know whether to sit down or bend over - no idea why except it might be something to do with my IBS. Matt and I basically ate and drank the same things. It was also one of those where you are afraid you are dying and after a while afraid you are not. Used to say that about seasickness.

Been pretty well glued to the TV with the Olympics. I was very disappointed the young Canadian who won the Bronze medal in snowboarding didn't do better particularly as we had previously watched the film about his near death experience. Pretty frightening for all concerned. Mind you they are nuts anyway LOL. As are the ski jumpers, not seen any of those yet. I love speed skating and also enjoy Cross Country skiing. Well I used to do some of that. Figure skating is probably my favourite though. Hope to see some tonight.

No recipe today, sorry. Feel quite washed out. For instance I only ate half a baked potato for supper and a few Brussels sprouts. And I haven't had any chocolate all day!!!!!!!!

Have a great day

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday Recipe

I couldn't resist this.

Baked Potatoes with Creamy Mushroom Ragout!

Celebrate National Potato Lovers Month with this recipe for a hearty mushroom ragout over a baked

Baked Potatoes:
4 large baking potatoes, washed and scrubbed
1 tsp olive oil
Kosher salt
Creamy Mushroom Ragout:
2 Tbs butter
2 Tbs olive oil
1 lb mixed fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 cup thinly sliced shallots
3 Tbs flour
1 cup chicken or vegetable broth
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 Tbs sweet paprika
1/2 cup sour cream
2 Tbs chopped fresh dill
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Bake the Potatoes:

2. Preheat oven to 425°F. Rub the potatoes with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, and prick all over with a fork. Place on a baking sheet, and bake in preheated oven for 45-60 minutes, or until a fork pierced through the skin meets no resistance.

3. Prepare the Mushroom Ragout:

4. While the potatoes are baking, prepare the ragout.

5. In a large heavy-bottomed saucepan set over medium heat, heat the butter and olive oil until butter is melted and foamy.

6. Add shallots and saute until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes.

7. Add mushrooms and cook for 10 minutes longer, or until the mushrooms are soft and starting to brown. 5. In a small bowl, whisk together white wine and flour until smooth.  Add to the pan along with chicken broth and paprika.  Reduce heat to low and simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until thick.

8. Stir in the sour cream and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes to heat through (make sure not to bring to a boil, as this can cause the sauce to curdle). Remove from heat immediately, and stir in dill and parsley. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.

9. Assembly:

10. Once the potatoes are done, transfer them to a cutting board to cool for 5 minutes.

11. Cut a slit through the top of each potato, and gently push on the ends to create a small pocket for the topping. Sprinkle the inside of each potato with a little salt.

12. Ladle a generous amount of mushroom ragout onto each potato, letting the excess spill over the sides and onto the plate (yes, it’s messy, but it’s the best part!). Finish with a sprinkling of parsley or dill, if desired, and lots of black pepper. Serve immediately.

Servings: 4

Source: Mushrooms Canada

Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Therapy, Bowling, Snow, Olympics

Matt's therapist came today, Thursday, and has given him some new exercises which are, basically, very similar to what we do in our exercise classes. She made him promise to come to classes with me tomorrow. We'll see. She also told him to get out more and insists he should come to bowling but not bowl yet. He did come with me and even tried bowling a few balls but with little success. I had pretty good games. A lot of people came over to say welcome back to Matt which was nice. On the way home I went and bought those bananas I had forgotten.

According to the forecast we are expecting a load of snow over the weekend. Glad I am not planning to go anywhere.

This evening we watched the Olympic Games. The men's figure skating, short programme. Everyone was raving about Nathan Chen being the best in the world and said how good he was at quad jumps. He blew it. A young Russian ended up in the lead with an Israeli in second place and I think the Canadian was third. Way to go for them.  I also watched the women's moguls - the start of the eliminations - and then women's figure skating came on and I decided I wanted my bed. Scott Hamilton was on the TV team. It is 35 years since he won his gold!!!!

Here is the breakfast recipe which I really have to try soon. Obviously the time will be taken in baking the potatoes in the first place - I don't like my baked potatoes microwaved although I sometimes start them that way. However, to me the best part of a baked potato is the skin.

Breakfast Stuffed Potatoes

Stuffed Breakfast Potatoes are an easy one-dish breakfast solution perfect for feed a group! Cheese,
your choice of veggies, bacon and an egg.

2 large baking potatoes cooked and cooled (see note below for instructions)
1/2 cup cheddar cheese shredded
Fine sea salt and freshly cracked peppercorn medley
2 Tbs chopped vegetables
2 large eggs
1 strip of bacon cooked and minced

1. Heat oven to 400°F degrees. Cut the tops off baking potatoes. Using a spoon, hollow out leaving a 1/8 of potato along the edges and resulting in a potato boat.

2. Set aside the tops and the innards to make Home Fries for another meal.

3. Place a pinch of cheddar cheese, 1/4 of bacon, 1/2 tablespoon minced vegetables and a few grinds of salt and pepper in the bottom of each potato boat.

4. Crack egg directly into the potato boat. Carefully place potato boats onto an aluminum lined baking sheet.

5. Bake for 10 minutes or until whites have set.

6. Remove and allow to cool for 3-4 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

Author: Jessica
Source: Savory Experiments

Have a great day

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Breakfast, Snow,

Breakfast has become a kind of favourite topic for me lately although I have only written about it once. I have a super recipe for tomorrow (I'd already chosen the rice pudding) which I am going to try out. Maybe at the weekend. This morning I had bacon, omelet, Kim Chi and Pancake. I found the Kim Chi went particularly well with the rather bland omelet. Goes well with the bacon and the pancake too LOL.  I must see what else I can dream up like this.

I mentioned yesterday that I had forgotten the bananas in my shopping. I am beginning to think I won't be able to do anything about that today as it has been snowing all night and I don't think the schools are open this morning. I was planning to go bowl a couple of games after exercise class then pick up the bananas on the way back but..... Boy are we getting a lot of snow lately. More than for a few winters now. A number of years ago, when we used to Cross Country Ski, we would have been delighted, but needless to say, we are not involved in that sport any more. Pity, we enjoyed it.

In the end I wasn't feeling up to it anyway so no bananas for us today.

I found a recipe with Star Anise and rice, maybe not the one my new friend mentioned, but I thought it sounded good.

Orange-Star Anise Rice Pudding

3/4 cup basmati rice
2 Tbs super-fine sugar
3 whole star anise
2/3 cup golden raisins
4 cups milk or half and half
Zest and juice of 1 orange
1 oz butter

1. Mix the rice, sugar, star anise, raisins and milk in a medium saucepot. Bring to a bubble, reduce to a simmer and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring often. Finish with orange juice, zest and butter.

2. Pour mixture into a serving bowl and serve warm or room temperature.

Servings: 6

Source: Rachel Ray

Have a great day

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Doctor's, Shopping, Phone, Supper, Ginger,

I was a bit miffed, I had to go to the doctor's this afternoon (Tuesday) and I sat there for quite a long time, I didn't see the actual doctor, but the PA. My CT scan reveals lots of degeneration and general aging (surprise, surprise) about which nothing can be done except physio, well I do gentle exercise so that is OK. I also asked about Matt's Cardiac Event Monitor. They now have some details but not a definitive report!!! i.e. my visit was a total waste of time and effort.

Afterwards I went grocery shopping and spent a fortune. Luckily I had $50 in points so knocked that
off the total. When I got home I couldn't believe I had forgotten bananas, we eat one each every day, and I forgot them!!!! I was astounded to find star anise in our grocery store. I got chatting to a woman in a wheel chair. She has MS (has done so for years) and is living in a tiny apartment - 2 rooms - at a local senior's facility. She loves to cook so I gave her my card showing my blog address. Nice woman. She said she had come across star anise in a recipe for rice. Must see if I can find that.

Nearly forgot to pick up a parcel at the Post Office. The phone I bought for Matt. They tried to deliver it whilst I was bowling so left a pick up note. I have made a couple of pictures to go on it but have to get a pic of one friend. Maybe I should put one of his daughters on there too.

Tonight I made an omelet which included turmeric and called for brown mustard seeds. I couldn't find them so I just threw in some Coleman's mustard powder and it tasted pretty good. The rest of the filling was tomatoes and onions (I added some garlic too). But I am trying to introduce more turmeric into our diet.

Yesterday I published a recipe which was garnished with Red Pickled Ginger. I was unfamiliar with this but Denise of My Life in Retirement did some Googling and found this recipe.

Pickled Ginger (Beni Sho-ga)

Finely shredded pickled ginger, used as a garnish in Japanese recipes, is easy to make and tastes fresher than store-bought. San Francisco Bay Area chef Sylvan Mishima Brackett prefers young ginger because it's juicer and less fibrous (a very thin skin makes it easy to identify). Regular ginger
is fine too.

1 small red beet
4 oz fresh ginger, peeled and cut into very thin 1-in.-long matchsticks
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1 Tbs kosher salt

1. Put beet in a small saucepan with water to cover by 1 in. Bring to a boil, then simmer until tender when pierced with the tip of a small knife, about 25 minutes. Drain. When cool enough to handle, peel and cut into quarters.

2. Meanwhile, put ginger in a medium saucepan with water to cover by 2 in. Bring to boil. Drain and repeat process once or twice more, depending on the spiciness of the ginger. It should have a strong taste but not be too spicy.

3. Combine rice vinegar and salt with 1 cup water in a small bowl, stirring to dissolve salt. Add ginger and beet, cover, and chill overnight.

4. Make ahead: Up to 2 weeks, chilled.

Yield: Makes about 3/4 cup

Source: My Recipes

Have a great day