The Good Morning America series on inspirations finished today with Bill Weir in the Amazon. Apparently even in this day and age, no-one has ever walked the Amazon river from start to finish. There is a young Brit named Ed Stafford who is attempting to do just that. He started by setting aside a year, he has now been walking for two years and still isn't at the end. He has been video blogging as he travelled and Bill Weir joined him for a couple of days or so.
http://tinyurl.com/295aqso to read the article and see the film clip from Bill Weir's visit. I wish I had been following Ed Stafford's video blog but this is the first I have heard of it. There is a link to his video blog in the article which I will check out later. He apparently had sponsors who ended up backing out and is now managing with small subscriptions from private donors, he refused to let his mother sell her home. He has been in some pretty stick situations in his two years. This is certainly something that inspires me, not that I would ever want to emulate this particular trip.
The weather has decided to be kind to us the last couple of days, however, this weekend is a holiday weekend so it is supposed to rain. Matt tells me we are supposed to get more good weather next week. It certainly isn't before time. It makes one feel so much better to see lots of sun and warm temps. When we were out and about yesterday, people were in summer clothing which is such a change from all the dark winter stuff. I wonder why we dress so drably in winter?
Of course the Gulf Oil leak is still one of the major headlines at the moment. Now BP are admitting a lot more oil was gushing out than they originally said. That was obvious the minute we saw the pictures. Despite millions in money, time and effort, they still seem no nearer to finally stopping the problem and the oil continues to spread. I don't know but would have thought they could use bathyspheres of some kind to work on the pipes - however I assume there is a reason they haven't done so. It really is too depressing for words. Just how far is this going to spread before they ever stop it, and will it ever get stopped. I am feeling very pessimistic about the whole thing this morning. There is a video clip from one of BP's officials on GMA again this morning.
GMA started their summer concert series, held in the park, with the Jonas Bros. today. Talk about screaming. I don't know how any of them stand it. They were trying to talk to them on stage and no-one could hear anyone else. Bit of a waste of time.
I found this recipe on BBC Good Food and thought it would make a change. Of course, me being me, I would probably have a side of fresh asparagus *g*
West Indian Chicken Curry
This punchy dish is under 500 calories, but you won't notice you're being healthy
Recipe by Jennifer Joyce
Serves 4
1 large onion , chopped

2 garlic cloves , chopped
2 tbsp curry powder
1 large sweet potato , peeled and cut into small chunks
4 skinless boneless chicken breast fillets , cut into chunks
400g tin coconut milk
100g whole cherry tomatoes
fresh coriander , to serve
1.Cook the onion and garlic in a tsp of oil for 5 minutes. Season, then stir in the curry powder. Cook for another minute, then add the potatoes and chicken.
2.Pour in the coconut milk. Simmer for 10-12 minutes, then add the tomatoes and simmer for 2 minutes.
3.Serve sprinkled with fresh coriander.
Have a great day
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