Today I am taking part in the Get Healthy Blogfest being hosted by:
Alex Cavanaugh, L. Diane Wolfe ,
Michael Di Gesu, and
Stephen Tremp, a Blog Hop that focuses on health.
Funnily enough I have been trying to do something about my weight since January

and have been helped by the programme
FitDay where you can record everything you eat each day to keep a track of your intake. They call themselves a Free Diet and Weight Loss Journal and that’s exactly what it is,
FREE. I have been dieting since I was 11 years old and have found over the years that recording your food intake is one of the best ways to help lose weight. There are several similar programmes on the internet including Weight Watchers which, unfortunately, you have to pay to use. It is essential one cuts back one’s nutritional intake to lose weight, but at the same time it is essential that we consume a healthy balance of nutrients, including some fats which most people avoid like the plague. You cannot be healthy without a well balanced diet.
Exercise is great if you can do it. Unfortunately these days I cannot do much

although its not too many years since I used to walk 4 miles a day and the weight really dropped off me. You really don’t need to spend lots of time in a gymnasium, walking is wonderful exercise and doesn’t cost anything. People often excuse themselves as they say they have no time, not true, if nothing else, turn off the TV and get out there. You can start off small and gradually increase the amount you walk. Even walking three times a week is good to start off with. Of course if you live somewhere that gets a lot of snow and ice in the winter, then you have to go somewhere to walk. Many Malls open early to accommodate Mall walkers, again,
FREE. As most of you know, Matt and I go bowling which is not bad exercise, you would be surprised how many calories that uses up. I also bought myself a treadmill a few years ago and am trying to get back to using that. Slow build up, but its coming along.

I am always on about asparagus, but that is a great health food just on its own. I often cook myself some and put Butter Buds on, unfortunately Butter Buds aren’t available in Canada, but in the US you have no excuse. I love that product it is good to add to many foods such as baked potatoes and corn. Although please don’t eat too much of either.
If you are not sure of just what is a good menu for losing weight, there are many sources on the internet which will help you with just that. FitDay itself has a nutritionist available – I’ve never sought that help myself, but after having weight

problems all my life, I have an excellent idea of what I should eat and how much, just don’t stick to it all the time unfortunately. I have lost 16 lbs. this year, but have quite a few more to go. If I had kept off all the weight I have lost in my life you wouldn’t be able to see me. Weight Watchers is also a great place to go but you have to pay to join and then pay every week. However they do give you good support and motivation a thing which helps most people. You can also, as a woman, join Curves which is a good place to exercise. I used to belong but with my leg problems had to quit. There is a similar place for men but I can never remember what it’s called.

Last, but not least, is T'ai Chi or T'ai Chi Chuan . I started learning some 15 or so years ago and whilst I was practicing regularly I felt fit and well. Like a fool, I have let it lapse and plan to start doing it again regularly although I don't have a lot of room to do T'ai Chi any more. The Chinese believe that it stimulates chi or energy in the body and this affects your mind, body and spirit, it is a wonderful exercise for balance both physically and mentally. The stories of people who have survived longer than expected because of practicing T'ai Chi are endless, I can't praise it highly enough myself. I still do a little now and then but need to get back to a regular habit once more. The Chinese know what they are talking about. I had originally tried to learn from a video, I found that virtually impossible but whilst living in North Carolina I was lucky enough to find a sifu (teacher) and studied with her for a number of years before we came back to Canada.
Finally, of course, if you have been reading my blogs lately, you will know I now possess a CPAP machine which is supposed to help me sleep well and not snore, and not gasp for breath during the night. I think it is beginning to work. Yesterday I felt pretty good all day.
Here is a Weight Watcher’s recipe we have been using for years and thoroughly enjoy. For some reason you can't see the carrot which makes the dish look prettier.
Pork and Black Beans
Turkey breast can be subbed for pork.

4 servings
2 garlic cloves minced
1/2 tsp hot paprika
1/3 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp salt
5 oz. lean pork tenderloin
1 tsp EVOO
2 tbs white vinegar
One 15 oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 carrot, finely diced (we prefer this shredded)
2 tbs fresh lime juice
1/2 tomato, diced
1 red onion, chopped
2 Tbs chopped cilantro
In a small bowl, combine the garlic, paprika, cumin and salt; rub into the pork.
In a medium nonstick skillet, heat the oil. Sauté the pork until browned, 2-3 minutes on each side. Reduce the heat and cook, covered, turning occasionally, until cooked through, about 10 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Halve the pork lengthwise, then cut crosswise into thin slices.
Add the vinegar to the pan drippings (
stand back whilst doing this, the fumes are pungent) and simmer, stirring, until the acidity cooks off, about 2 minutes. Add the beans, carrot and lime juice, cook, tossing, about 1 minute. Transfer to a medium bowl. Add the pork, tomato, onion and cilantro; toss to combine. Serve.
Per serving: 190 calories, 3 g. Total fat, 1 g sat fat, 23 mg Cholesterol, 163 mg Sodium, 26g Total Carbs, 3 g dietary fibre, 16 g protein, 30 mg calcium. WW Points 3.
Have a great day.