Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Saga of the Buns, Moon Gifts, DVD,

It occurred to me that I hadn't told you the saga of my whole wheat buns. I have been buying them from my local grocery store for years. They are just the right size for my lunch and, in the store, are known as 'funny buns' presumably because they come out oddly shaped. However, the powers that be decided these should no longer be sold despite the fact that, as the bakery manager told me, they are a good seller. Funny buns were actually made in white and multi grain versions. I managed to get some of each before the completely disappeared. Don't much like the white as they are long and thin and when I toast them (I like crispy) they tend to break when cut. However, there is a bakery just down the road from us and I finally got round to calling there and found some delicious buns which are better than anything I had been getting. Hooray. Cheaper too.

Also didn't mention that Mandarin (I'm sure you've heard me mention them before) were doling out little gifts to customers during the Moon Festival - which is not yet over by the way - and I have collected one or two. I think they are rather pretty. Matt thinks they are junk, he is probably right but I still like them.

I tried to play two DVD's tonight, neither of which would work although they did the other day. Ended up watching The King's Speech as that would play. I really am not quite sure why the others didn't work. I tried cleaning them, maybe not very successfully.

I thought this looked pretty good especially with the whole wheat wraps.

Creamy Avocado and White Bean Wrap

White beans mashed with ripe avocado and blended with sharp Cheddar and onion makes an incredibly rich, flavorful filling for this wrap. The tangy, spicy slaw adds crunch. A pinch (or more) of ground chipotle pepper and an extra dash of cider vinegar can be used in place of the canned
chipotles in adobo sauce. Wrap these up to take as a healthy and portable lunch for work.

2 Tbs cider vinegar
1 Tbs canola oil
2 tsp finely chopped canned chipotle chile in adobo sauce, (see Note)
¼ tsp salt
2 cups shredded red cabbage
1 medium carrot, shredded
¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 15 oz cans white beans, rinsed
1 ripe avocado
½ cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
2 Tbs minced red onion
4 8- to 10-inch   whole-wheat wraps, or tortillas

1. Whisk vinegar, oil, chipotle chile and salt in a medium bowl. Add cabbage, carrot and cilantro; toss to combine. Mash beans and avocado in another medium bowl with a potato masher or fork. Stir in cheese and onion. To assemble the wraps, spread about ½ cup of the bean-avocado mixture onto a wrap (or tortilla) and top with about 2/3 cup of the cabbage-carrot slaw. Roll up. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Cut the wraps in half to serve, if desired.

Servings: 4

Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce are smoked jalapeños packed in a flavorful sauce. Look for the small cans with the Mexican foods in large supermarkets. Once opened, they'll keep at least 2 weeks in the refrigerator or 6 months in the freezer.

Eat neat: Keeping the filling inside a wrap or burrito can be a challenge, especially if you're on the go. That's why we recommend wrapping your burrito in foil so you can pick it up and eat it without losing the filling, peeling back the foil as you go

Source: EatingWell Magazine

Have a great day


  1. Isn't it great when you lose one thing and find something better almost at once!

    1. It is Satima. I am delighted with these new ones.

  2. I thought you were going to tell us that you decided to make your own buns. I could live on bread so I tend not to bake it anymore.

    1. No Denise, I haven't baked bread in years for the same reason. It is way too delicious straight from the oven.

  3. Glad you found buns, sandwich loafs that are just as good and cheaper. I hate it when they discontinue something. I have collected junk, as it might be called, and loved it hanging in the window

    1. So was I Birgit, been eating them every day since. Still got buns in the freezer I need to use up!! I think these are quite pretty.

  4. It's very annoying when things go off sale for no particular reason. Glad you found an alternative.

    1. You're right Pinky, it is annoying, especially as the baker said they were a good seller, however, it really love these new buns.
