Alzheimer's or senile dementia has always been a big worry of mine because at least two relatives in my father's family were apparently senile when they died. Dr. Oz was talking about Alzheimer's on Good Morning America today and describing some of the differences between loss of memory caused by old age or by Alzheimer's. It is OK to forget where you left your glasses, but if you end up finding them in the fridge, that is not OK! If you start to go somewhere and forget where you are going (as in heading for the store or for the doctor's) that is a bad sign. Struggling with words is another bad sign. Read the article
http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/HealthyLiving/dr-ozs-warning-signs-alzheimers-disease/story?id=9618672 here. If you can't bring the word 'key' to mind, for instance, and have to invent ways to describe it, like "the thing that opens the door" that could be the onset of a problem. I have to say that does happen to me now and again. I like to think its because I have so many things buzzing around in my brain at the time, but I guess it coould be a bad sign. However, when you look at the reams of stuff I write in my blog, I don't think I am there yet. The disease is getting more and more prevalent in the States with some 5.3 Americans having it and a new diagnosis every 70 seconds. Dr. Oz talked about prevention and considers what you eat to be very important, in other words, the Mediterranean diet - the percentage of Alzheimer's in the Mediterranean countries is far less. Turmeric, which is present in curries, is a good thing to eat too. One assumes India also has a low incidence although he didn't specifically say.
When we were living in North Carolina, John Edwards won the governership. He is such a

handsome man and he seemed to have a wonderful family. Then we heard about his extra marital affair and now they say he has a Love Child from this affair. Then there is lots of speculation about Tiger Woods and where he is. The rumours say he has signed into a sex addiction clinic. What nonsense, you can't stop men being addicted to sex its in the genes. They are designed by nature to procreate the species and,. to quote The King and I, to go "from flower, to flower, to flower". As a wife one just hopes that they won't want to.
They were talking yesterday about how many women were now earning more than their husbands and how it was now beneficial for men to get married to such high earning women (it used to be the other way round after all). Of course it was not unusual once upon a time for men to marry heiresses. Frequently men with an impoverished title would marry into a moneyed family.
I am always looking for different ways of preparing vegetables and whilst perusing the GMA website, I noticed this one for carrots.
Roasted Carrots with Fresh Thyme
Emeril Lagasse
Healthy Side Dish
Servings: 4
Carrots are an inexpensive, all-purpose root vegetable that is often overlooked. This delicious dish is a cinch to prepare."
2 tablespoons olive oil

1 1/2 pounds carrots, cut diagonally into 1 1/2-inch lengths
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 sprigs fresh thyme
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon honey
Preheat the oven to 450°F.
Place a medium oven-proof saute pan over high heat and add the olive oil. When the oil is hot, add the carrots, salt and pepper and cook for 2 minutes on each side. Add the thyme sprigs and
butter, and drizzle with the honey.
Transfer the pan to the oven and roast for 6 to 8 minutes, or until the carrots are golden and crisp-tender.
Serve immediately.
Have a great day
Yes, the threat of Alzheimer's or any kind of dementia is scary. My family seems to get it in the late 70s. Something to look forward to:-(.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what ages my family got it. My parents probably died too young - I think my grandmother, an aunt and an uncle were quite a bit older, but I'm not certain.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's time that some nations grow up and accept adultery as nothing serious like the French do.
ReplyDeleteI tend to agree with you Marilyn, in theory, but in practice I would not have been happy had Matt ever played away from home.