Its a stupid thing and I know its not true, but if no-one comments on my blog I feel as though no-one has read it. Some people don't comment at all, some do now and again and some people comment a lot. Also, some bloggers get lots of comments all the time - but many of them are well known authors so I assume more people read their blogs. There are, in fact, three or four friends and relatives I
know read my blog regularly not to mention other blogging friends who read what I write. I wonder though, do I write a blog for myself or for other people? A bit of both I suppose. Maybe its because I always wanted to be an author but just don't have the drive and dedication to write a book - even more so since I have been reading the blogs of several authors and see what they go through to produce their novels. I guess I will just keep blogging away.
Watched a programme last night called The Truth About Liars produced by

the Doc Zone. It wasn't a very conclusive programme, the outcome being that we are all liars and if you don't believe that, you are lying to yourself which is one of our biggest problems, we don't want to believe that someone is lying to us, cheating us, swindling us etc.. Obviously some people lie more than others, but everyone uses "the little white lie" - one example they gave was - the wife: "was I the prettiest woman in the room?" the fact is there were three prettier, but you still say "yes darling of course you were". Or if you have any sense you do!! Partly because you don't want to cause hurt and partly not to cause an argument. The government and lots of scientists are working on different ways to tell if someone is lying. A lie detector is a useful tool they say, but that's all it is, a tool. Facial expressions can be give aways, but there are lots of people who don't even "twitch". If you are interested
click here to find out more. The law enforcement agencies are the ones most interested in finding a reliable way to detect truth.

I am finally reading the last book in the Godspeaker trilogy by Karen Miller called The Hammer of God. I have been waiting for it for a while and just got hold of it yesterday. Having finished my David Coe novel, I was ready for a new novel. This has been a very enjoyable trilogy so far and from the few pages I have read, it doesn't appear that this final book is going to be any different. I am looking forward to reading it. Then I have another book by David Coe to read which starts a new series about two of the characters from his Winds of the Forelands books.
Here's a different sauce to use for shrimp or fish. I get so tired of the usual ketchup and horseradish sauce that we all trot out so often although Matt and I do use an English concoction I have in a book from years ago (I posted the recipe some time ago). This one is from The Best Ever Three and Four Ingredient Cookbook.
Watercress Sauce
This pretty green sauce is refreshingly tart and peppery. It is delicious served as an accompaniment to poached fish, or as a dip for simply grilled prawns (shrimp). Do not prepare this sauce more than a few hours ahead of serving as the watercress will discolour the sauce. This peppery sauce can also be made with rocket (arugula) leaves instead of watercress.
Serves 6 - 8

7 oz. watercress leaves
1 1/4 cups mayonnaise
1-2 tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice
From the store cupboard
scant 1 cup unsalted (sweet) butter
salt and ground black pepper
Remove the tough stems from the watercress leaves and finely chop the leaves by hand or in a food processor. Add the mayonnaise and the freshly squeezed lemon juice and process to mix.
Melt the unsalted butter, then add to the watercress mixture, a little at a time, processing or whisking in a bowl until the butter has been fully incorported and the sauce is thick and smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper then cover and chill in the fridge for at least an hour before serving.
Extras: Garlic makes a delicious addition to this sauce. Peel and finely chop 1-2 cloves and combine with the chopped watercress, mayonnaise and lemon juice, before adding the melted butter.
Have a great day.
Jo -- In am sure that all who read your blog enjoy it greatly. I know that I do.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Marilyn. I enjoy your blog too, always an interesting topic.
ReplyDeleteYes, I might not always comment but I always stop by:-)
ReplyDeleteThanks to you to Satima. I know people read without commenting, Annalou does it all the time. But its always nice to receive a comment as both of you must agree.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog most days and really appreciate your recipes since I lost all of mine!
Thanks jan, I appreciate you commenting. I appreciate you reading too.
ReplyDeleteHi Jo, I read your blog regularly – I have it subscribed on Google Reader – and I enjoy it very much!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ted, nice of you to write, I read your blog regularly too.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid I'm a daily "lurker" Jo but I do enjoy the blog and the recipes.
Thanks Lorna, I think there are others from RUK as well. Nice to know you are here and enjoying it.
ReplyDeletehello Jo, i'm can't stay away very long from your blog, i like your blog, j'aime beaucoup ton blog, and i read it as soon as times allow that to me !
ReplyDeleteMerci Gynie. J'aime le votre aussi.
ReplyDeleteThanks Aji, I appreciate the comment and hope you continue to enjoy